The Secret Doctrine of Goddess Lalita
(Sri LalitaAṣṭottara Rahasyārthamu)
4. chidagni kuṇḍasambhūtā
She who is born in the fire-pit of Pure Consciousness.
How can we say śakti, which is brahmavidyā itself, is the only means for attaining śiva sāyujya? This fourth mantra answers this question. śakti rises from the fire pit of Pure Consciousness (śiva). She is in complete union with śiva at all times. That is why She is called śivam. She is Existence (sat). He is Consciousness (cīt). It is impossible, even for a moment, śakti (Existence) to forsake śiva (Consciousness). If śakti distances Herself from śiva, She will become inert. When an object loses contact with Consciousness, the object will cease to exist. For an object to exist, it must be known to Consciousness. Everything, from the earth to the vast space, exists only because it is cognized by Consciousness. If a thing does not appear to our Consciousness, it ceases to exist. Consciousness is the witness to the existence of everything. Therefore, śakti can be known only through śiva (Consciousness). We must live in this phenomenal world deeply aware of our real nature as Consciousness. The word sambhūtā in the mantra indicates this. Sometimes this word is interpreted in its secondary meaning as “being born.” The primary meaning of the word, however, is “union,” the union of śakti and śiva. The primary meaning is most appropriate in this context.